What are the benefits of working with GETECO?

In addition to many years of trade experience of capital investment goods and machinery with Far Eastern countries, GETECO is the leading specialist for new and used machine tools, shipyard equipment and construction machinery in Korea. Nils Andressen, Managing Director of GETECO, has over 20 years of experience in the Korean marketplace.

Further benefits include:

  • A personal service tailored towards the makers and end users specific needs
  • Competitive pricing
  • A wide and established network of makers in Europe and end users in the Far East
  • An understanding of the economic and social conditions in your Far Eastern target country, making business easier for European makers and taking away the pressure of dealing directly in a complex, foreign market place
  • Connections for end users to the appropriate maker in Europe, saving time and money
  • Swift results combined with a track record of reliability and delivering quality.